Sentiment Analysis of Covid Tweets
Conducted a Sentiment Analysis of COVID tweets training multiple models using
Python Pandas
Data Preprocessing
Data Visualization
N-gram anaysis
Model Accuracy
Confusion Matrices
Naive Bayes
The most effective model was then further tuned in order to more accurately predict the sentiment of the tweet.
Dead Block was a Rogue Like dungeon crawler I developed through the Unity game engine.
Produced in C#
The executable presented on Github is only a demo though majority of the necessary framework is implemented to construct a longer game.
Scheduling Software (G52)
G52 was a team-built software using C++ with the intention of being an in-depth scheduling application.
Software was created with Object Oriented Programming Principles in Mind.
Users are able to create and schedule various events and are notified via email when prompted.
Additional Projects can be viewed on my github!