
Sentiment Analysis of Coronavirus Tweets

Sentiment Analysis of Covid Tweets

  • Conducted a Sentiment Analysis of COVID tweets training multiple models using

    • Python Pandas

    • Data Preprocessing

    • Data Visualization

      • N-gram anaysis

      • Model Accuracy

      • Confusion Matrices

    • Models

      • Naive Bayes

      • LSTM

  • The most effective model was then further tuned in order to more accurately predict the sentiment of the tweet.


  • Dead Block was a Rogue Like dungeon crawler I developed through the Unity game engine.

    • Produced in C#

  • The executable presented on Github is only a demo though majority of the necessary framework is implemented to construct a longer game.

Scheduling Software (G52)

  • G52 was a team-built software using C++ with the intention of being an in-depth scheduling application.

    • Software was created with Object Oriented Programming Principles in Mind.

  • Users are able to create and schedule various events and are notified via email when prompted.

Additional Projects can be viewed on my github!